Star Citizen Star Map

Herewith the ARK Star Map for the Star Citizen Star Map

Fantastic map. Looking forward to exploring the Star Citizen Universe.

The Birth of an Economy


Star Citizen Flight Modes

Star Citizen Flight Modes

Currently, there are 3 flight modes.  To change between flight modes, a player must press the ‘V’ key.  There are three flight modes, PRE, SCM, and CRU.  Here they are in greater detail.
Precision Mode [PRE]
Your ship will start off in this mode on the landing pad.  PRE limits the ship to 50 m/s max velocity.  This mode is used for landing and “taxiing” around stations at a low speed so you don’t run into obstacles.  While not a requirement for enabling landing mode, it is highly recommended as throttling up with this mode enabled is a LOT more forgiving than the other two modes.
Pressing V while in PRE will toggle the ship into..
Sub-Cruise Mode [SCM]
This will allow your ship to fly at whatever it’s max speed is.  Each ship has a different speed.  This flight mode is ideal for combat as it allows an optimal speed and agility for manuevering.
SCM is the decision point for what flight mode is next:  If a ship is at 50% throttle or less and the pilot presses ‘V’ the flight mode will change to Precision Mode [PRE].  If the throttle is 50% or more it will go to…
Cruise Mode [CRU]
This mode allows your ship to fly at high speeds with limited maneuverability.  Cruise mode is ideal for traveling distances that are too far for Sub-Cruise Mode but too short for Quantum Drive.  Cruise mode increases your ship’s maximum velocity with a multiplier.  For example, an average Hornet F7A in SCM goes roughly 200 m/s but in CRU it goes 1100 m/s.  While turning is possible in this mode, it isn’t very fast.  Also, slowing down can be a time consuming issue.
Pressing ‘V’ while in CRU will change to SCM.

Trade Profit Calculator

With 3.0 on the horizon we're finally going to get the first iteration of trade gameplay, which I'm totally pumped for. Some juicy teasers in this weeks Around the Verse. My Freelancer is fuelled and ready to haul. I've spent a little time and dusted off my JS skills to build a trade profit calculator with the hope of eventually min/maxing the trade gameplay Star Citizen will have to offer.

Here is the preview:

Right now, it's entirely client based which means it's entirely run in your web browser not storing or retrieving any data from a server. Eventually I would like to pair this with a server but that will depend on what CIG will offer in terms of trade data APIs (if anything). Since the data sets for commodities across the 100 or so eventual systems could be quite large I'm not holding my breath, but I'll quietly hope.

Disclaimer: I'm not a designer, hence the generic placeholder styles. I can design, i just prefer spending my efforts elsewhere.

What it does
* Allows manifest input (ship details, location details, cargo items). Everything here is quite manual - you will need to know the numbers to input.
* Allows custom expression sets (I've put 2 default sets in for now)
* Can save settings (per browser using the localStorage API - this is limited in size and is similar to cookies)
* Can import/export expression sets as text you can pass around. This should help if people smarter than me make more meaningful calculations.

What it doesn't do
* No dynamic data input (No server APIs yet). This would make it much more user-friendly in the long term.

What it could do (with a bit more work)
* Dynamic jump point calculations (to factor in fuel costs). The galactic map looks fairly straight forward to bring in and calculate jump point relationships. It may be feasible to calculate both the safest and shortest trips to maximise profits.
* Intra-system calculations (to factor in fuel costs, e.g. Quantum Fuel).
* Allow documented expressions. They can get complex and not obvious what those calculations mean in the interface.
* Finish off some work I started on conditional expressions. Not a priority, but the basics are in place (needs interfaces).

If you want to contribute to this project, all are welcome. I'd prefer pull requests initially, I don't want to mess around adding/removing contributors and having to monitor every commit. If you want to take the code and do your own thing with it, you are also welcome (project is open source, you just need to keep proper attribution as per the MIT license).

Code is available on github:

Issues, Feature requests or Suggestions?
Log em here:

The profit expressions will also run server side (Node.js) so there is a lot of potential here IF CIG allow access to trade data coming from the PU (node locations, type, buy/sell prices). What I would like to do is harvest that information and feed it into these expressions and build predictions on profitable trade routes. That's a fair way off, if it ever comes at all.

And finally...

If you want to point out the lack of commenting and missing code optimisation I won't take offence, just remember this represents a day or so of effort.

This is just a prototype. I will tweak it once we actually get trading in game.

Thank you


A place on a ship’s hull where any given piece of equipment is attached, from engines to power plants to seats to avionics motherboards
The intermediary item that connects a weapon to a hardpoint; up until 1.1, these were almost universally required
A mount that is mostly static and cannot be aimed independently of the ship – it always faces directly forward, e.g. the 300’s default wing mounts in 1.0.3
These terms all refer to a weapon mount that can rotate and aim independently of the ship, e.g. the Super Hornet’s ball turret
A turret station manually operated by a person sitting inside it, e.g. the Retaliator’s turrets
A turret operated automatically by a targeting computer, e.g. the Freelancer’s side guns
A ship equipped with weapons that all have the same projectile speed, thus allowing them to all converge on a moving target the same point and inflict huge damage


Ship comparison

Star Citizen Ship Size Comparison: Constellation Series

Star Citizen Scale Model Comparison

These scale model illustrations will you an indication of ship sizes compared to each other

Ship Comparison

These diagrams and images will give you an indication of different ship sizes compared to each other: